Ivan Ristović


contact AT ristovic.net

matf AT ristovic.net

Senior Researcher at Oracle Labs, Belgrade.

Teaching Assistant at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade, Serbia. Member of the Programming Languages And TOols (PLATO) Group.

I am a passionate programmer with too many hobbies. My interests include modern software development and verification, functional and network programming, and programming language implementations. I specialize in .NET, C# and Java, currently working on large-scale projects such as GraalVM.

I teach various courses as a member of the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade, and I am doing research on GraalVM and GraalOS at Oracle Labs.

In my free time I enjoy computer games (who doesn’t?), motorsport (primarily rally), board games (Chess, Othello), snooker, tennis.
