top The Godfather A feature-rich general-purpose Discord bot dotfiles My dotfiles and OS setup scripts LINVAST Language invariant AST abstraction with tools to create, visualize or use language-invariant ASTs games Spectrum A 2D rainbow-puzzle-platformer doodLbot An algorithm-based multiplayer client-server game maze-pathfinder A maze solver with a twist epicyclez Draw image contours using epicycles and DFT rubik An interactive Rubik's cube in OpenGL mines A minesweeper clone sudoku A sudoku game maker and solver langton-ant A langton-ant cellular automaton using .NET controls gclc-of-life A Game of Life cellular automaton in GCLC Qteroids An Asteroids clone in Qt productivity SharpSync A simple directory synchronization CLI tool MorseSharp Morse code converter with adjustible sound frequency and wpm settings UnitSharp A unit conversion library written in F# zsh theme A singleline detailed Oh-My-Zsh theme